Egypt mosque

Project Details

Stakeholder (s)



The Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces

Scope Of Work

Infrastructure BIM Modeling & Shop Drawings


New administrative capital of Egypt

Building Period



Egypt mosque is being built on the highest hill in the administrative capital so that it can be seen from all over the capital. The area of the mosque is 19,100 square meters. It represents one of the largest mosques in the world with a capacity of 107,000 worshipers. The mosque includes the two highest minarets in Egypt, with a height of 140 meters. It includes a group of huge halls for celebrations and events and memorization of the Qur'an for men, women and children. It contains a parking lot and a multi-store garage with a total capacity of 3000 cars. The project includes 3 malls to serve visitors and includes a funeral path for official funerals.